
- 健康保険:東日本プラスチック 健康保険組合に加入し、法が定める医療保険をアソシエートと扶養家族に提供しています。
- 健康増進プログラム:健康診断、人間ドック、インフルエンザ予防接種、スポーツクラブ会費割引など健康的なライフスタイルをサポートする総合的なプログラムを提供しています。
- 従業員支援プログラム:アソシエートとその家族の皆さんはカウンセリングサービスを受けることができます。
- 特別退職金制度:ゴアが目指す長期的な成功に基づく退職金制度です。すべてのアソシエートの貢献がゴアの企業価値にとって重要であるという信条のもと、会社の業績を退職金額とリンクさせることで一人ひとりのアソシエートが会社に対してオーナーシップを持つ環境を育んでいます。
- プロフィットシェア:プロフィットシェア(利益分配制度)は、アソシエート全員がエンタープライズ全体の成功を共有するプログラムです。財務目標や事業目標が達成された際にプロフィットシェアが支給されます。
- 永年勤続表彰:アソシエートの勤続年数の節目に、記念バッジと勤続年数に応じた特別休暇の付与および表彰金が支給されます。
- 確定拠出企業年金制度:特別退職金制度(SRA)に加えて、アソシエートの長期的な資金計画をサポートしています。
- 休職制度:重篤な病気や怪我で長期間労働ができない場合に取得できる短期・長期傷病休職制度があります。また傷病等により、働けなくなった際の継続的な収入を確保できるよう、所得補償保険に加入しています。
- 各種団体保険:アソシエートの怪我、病気、死亡等の不測の事態に備えて、総合福祉団体保険、労災上乗せ保険及び所得補償保険に加入し、アソシエートとその家族をサポートしています。
- 海外旅行損害保険:海外に出張するすべてのアソシエートを対象に旅行保険を提供しています。
- ファイナンシャルサポート:アソシエートのライフイベントとライフステージに合わせた将来設計をサポートするため、財形貯蓄制度、団体保険割引制度及びファイナンシャルプランナーによる無料相談を提供しています。
- 会社休日:土曜日、日曜日、祝祭日、年末年始休暇、夏季休暇(年間休日125~126日)
- 休暇制度:年次有給休暇、病気休暇、保存休暇、特別休暇(結婚、出産、慶弔)、永年勤続休暇など。
ゴアでは全社で有給休暇を取得しやすい環境づくりに注力しています。また、アソシエートが育児と仕事を両立しやすい環境づくりにも尽力しており、ほぼ100%の女性アソシエートが育児休業から復職しています。同時に男性の育児休業取得にも力を入れ、多くのアソシエートが産後パパ育休や育児休業を取得しています。 - 柔軟な働き方をバックアップ:アソシエートのワークライフバランスを応援するため、アソシエート、ビジネス、チームおよび各国のニーズにバランスよく対応できるよう勤務形態に一定の柔軟性をもたせており、フレックスタイム制度やリモートワーク制度を導入しています。
- プラスアルファの制度:慶弔見舞金、福利厚生倶楽部会員など
Benefits at Gore
Our success is based on the capability and creativity of our Associates, and we are proud to offer a comprehensive and competitive total rewards program that supports your everyday and helps you build your tomorrow.
We provide an array of benefits that offer choice and flexibility and promote overall well-being. And, in keeping with our belief that every Associate should share in the collective success of the Enterprise; we provide both a profit-sharing benefit and a distinctive stock participation plan or similar plan in each country.
While offerings may vary from one country to another, based on local requirements and competitive practice, we strive to offer benefits in each of the following categories, to meet the diverse needs of our Associates throughout their career with Gore and beyond.
Stay Healthy
We care about your physical and emotional wellbeing. Our health-focused benefits enable you and your family to maximize your health.
- Medical:Gore participates in East Japan Plastic Health Insurance Association (HIA) to offer statutory medical coverage for Associates and their dependents.
- Health Well-being program:The Health & Well-Being Program provides Associates with comprehensive programs such as medical check-ups, vaccinations and a discounted sports club membership fee that support a healthy lifestyle.
- Employee Assistance program:The ASSIST program offers counseling and consultation services to Associates and their dependents.
Share Our Success
We provide unique programs to allow you as an Associate to share in the collective success of the Enterprise.
- Special Retirement Allowance(SRA) :The retirement plan is linked to our long-term success. Based on the belief that every Associate’s contribution is important to Enterprise value, we foster an environment in which each Associate takes ownership of the Enterprise by linking the Enterprise performance to the retirement plan.
- Profit Sharing:Profit sharing is a way for all Associates to participate in the overall success of the Enterprise and may be offered when established Enterprise financial and business goals are met.
- Service Award:At service milestones, Gore Anniversary PINs and special paid leave grants and awards are awarded according to the length of service are provided.
Plan Your Future
We value your peace of mind. Our programs support your financial wellbeing and help you prepare for the unexpected.
- Defined Contribution (DC) plan : In addition to offering the SRA, Gore also offers a defined contribution plan. This plan provides Associates another way to support their long-term financial goals.
- Short-Term/Long-Term Disability (STD) : For serious illnesses or injuries requiring extended periods of absence, Gore offers and provides insurance to cover income loss if you are unable to work.
- Various Group Insurance : Preparing for Associates contingencies, we offer various insurances such as Group Life insurance, Workers accident insurance and GLTD to support Associates and their family.
- Business Travel Accident Coverage:Gore provides insurance coverage for all Associates who travel abroad on business.
- Financial Well-being Support:We provide Property Accumulation Savings service, Group Discounts for Individual Insurance (Life and Non-Life) and Free Consultation Service by a certificated financial planner to support your "Life Plan" according to Associate life events and life stages.
Balance Work & Life
We support your everyday by offering a range of time off programs, flexible work arrangements and family focus assistance.
- Company Holidays : Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, summer holidays: (In total 125 to 126 days off per year)
- Vacation : Annual Leave、Sick Leave, Accumulated holidays (hozon kyuka), Special Leave (Marriage, Condolence, Parental Leave)etc.
At Gore, we make an environment in which taking paid leave is easy for Associates. In addition, we strive to create an environment that makes it easy for Associates to balance childcare and work, and almost 100% of female Associates have returned to work after their childcare leave. We are also focusing on encouraging male Associates to take childcare leave, and many of our Associates are taking childcare leave. - Flexible Work Arrangement : In order to support our Associates in balancing work/life, we have introduced a flexible time policy and a remote work policy to provide a certain degree of flexibility in working styles in order to respond to the needs of Associates, businesses, teams, and countries in a well-balanced manner.
- Other Benefits:Congratulatory and Condolence Payment, Relo Club, etc.